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The purpose of MARCO is to promote good will and fellowship among amateur radio operators, worldwide, who are professionals in the healing arts, or who have an interest in the various medical, dental and allied fields which constitute the healing arts. On-the-air network operation is considered an integral part of MARCO activity, and is conducted for the purpose of discussing and exchanging medical and technical information, and, wherever possible, to be of public service by assisting medical emergencies and other priority traffic.
Over the years this general goal has been expanded to encourage MARCO members to participate in appropriate ways in volunteer programs offering medical assistance or counsel. In 1990 the MARCO Board of Directors established and funded (through volunteer contributions by members) the Medical Resources Commission whose purpose is to encourage members’ pursuit of such volunteer activities and also to initiate creative programs by which and through which members might serve, through MARCO’s MediShare program.
MediShare International provides opportunities for members worldwide to SHARE their talents, expertise, surplus medical/dental equipment, medicines and supplies to clinics, hospitals, and dispensaries, especially in developing and Third World nations as well as in areas on this continent and worldwide that sustain natural disasters. MARCO-MediShare is 501(3)(c) qualified as a non-profit organization. Please consider a donation by clicking the Donate button below. Visit MediShare.
In the Fall of 1965, at the Astor Hotel in New York City, Dr. William L. Sprague, (WA6CRN), held a meeting of physicians and dentists interested in exploring the formation of a medically oriented amateur radio operators organization. A group of 95 members was organized. The organization was formalized at a meeting in New York on April 16, 1966. M.A.R.C.O. was chartered as a Corporation in the State of New York.
Among the founding members whose efforts kept the fledgling organization alive and well were: its first (and present) secretary, Dr. William Sprague (WA6CRN); Dr. Charles Gray, (WA1FMY), a Physician-Attorney, who set up the Constitution and Bylaws, and was MARCO’s first president; Dr. Jack London, (K2JVA), second MARCO president; Dr. John Banzer (W2KDI), first treasurer; and Dr.Sam Samuelson, (K8WYP), whose efforts placed MARCO on an organizational basis and advanced it internationally. o
MARCO has shown consistent growth since its founding. Representation is from all U.S. and Canadian call areas, as well as foreign countries.