MARCO Annual BOD Meeting HamVention May 15, 2024 9pm Eastern Agenda

Zoom Link:

Call to Order


Minutes of 2023 Annual Meeting

President’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report, IRS filing report

MediShare Report

Net Report, Ad hoc Committee on Grand Rounds, Digital Net, outside nets

Aether Report

Google Group Report

Webmaster’s Report (also see old business)

Membership Committee Report

Old Business

  • Update on Bank and Bank Signature Cards (more new business)
  • Update on BOD insurance inquiry, (action item)
  • HamVention Display Report Keith, N3IM
  • Wild Apricot Update, Dave Lieberman, KT8E, approval to proceed with service beyond approved three-month period
  • Website updates

New Business

  • Report from PY2BBQ abut flooding in Brazil
  • Look into business accounts being moved to another bank.  Consider getting online bank with interest on deposits.
  • Website Domain Renewals
  • Approval to fund Backblaze and archives (cloud backup)
  • Authorize credit card for secretary use
  • ARRL Club Report, hybrid net discussion, possible QST article
  • MARCO YouTube Videos, need to unify account (PY2BBQ and AA4FL)
  • MediShare Equipment Donations from members, discuss potential partners
  • Annual meeting 2025
  • Thank you for Jeff Wolf K6JW for long-time service on BOD
  • Nominations from members for at-large director
  • Nomination by BOD of President-Elect
  • Election of directors (call district, at-large)
  • Appointment of Officers by BOD
  • New President’s Greeting, Barry Rabin, WB1FFI
