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DxCation Zoom Meeting February 23

MARCO members are planning a vacation-style DXPedition/DXCation.  The trip is planned the week after the Dayton/Xenia HamVention May 24-31,2022. This trip is designed for MARCO members and their spouses (or friends). Plans are currently underway and we are trying to gauge member interest. Please join us for an information session on Zoom on Feb. 23rd Join Zoom Meeting Tuesday Feb. 23rd at 8:30 pm Eastern time Meeting ID: 835 1411 5714 Passcode: 023828 For the week of May 24-31, 2022, trip participants will fly into Dutch Sint Maarten. There, we will have a beautiful villa and equip it for ham radio operating, photos of the rented villa are displayed below. The French Saint Martin (north) side of the island is only a short drive away and could provide a second DXCC entity to light up. Depending on participant interest, rental of a French side villa or hotel accommodations on either side of the island could be arranged. CQ WPX CW is the weekend of May 27th and we will enter a multi-op entry if you would like to participate. Additional add-on trips are being explored for a smaller group looking to extend their trip. There are ferries running daily to St. Bartholomew and Anguilla, with plans for part of our group to be on St. Bart’s all or part of May 31- June 6, 2022 and Anguilla June 6 – 13, 2022 (part of which will overlap with the ARRL VHF contest, focusing on 6m). We look forward to exploring MARCO member interest and providing details about our 2022 trip – Join Us on...

MARCO DXpeditions Article Appears in November QST

The article, “Mini DXpeditions on a Cruise with MARCO” has been published in November’s 2020 issue of QST.  We have made available a limited access version here, for viewing only (no printing or copying text).  For the full feature article read the electronic edition in QST’s digital edition, available to ARRL members, on Look for our article on pages 57-59 of the magazine, mention of us on two pages within the table of contents section, and one of our trip photos gracing the cover. Download (PDF, 884KB)  ...

MARCO DX Destinations 2019

Wednesday May 1 – Belize City – V31D see location on QRZ map/details page/grid square QTH is Moya Estate, Sea Breeze Apartments, near Haulover Bridge off Philip Goldson Highway -Location is a rental with two bedrooms on the top floor with roof-top recreation area facing the water for dipoles/slopers -Two stations: HF1 ICOM IC-706; HF2 IC-7000, barefoot -Operating times 1600-21:00 UTC (10am-3pm local time), one hour slots HF1 20m SSB/CW choice             HF2 17m CW/FT8/SSB choice 1600 UTC, 10am local time                          JA0BXP Etsuo                            K5RTF Chip 1700 UTC, 11am local time                          N5RTF Chip                                  AA4FL Jay 1800 UTC, noon local time                          AA4FL Jay                                    N5RTF Chip 1900 UTC, 1pm local time                            K4LRC Bob                                   available 2000 UTC, 2pm local time                           K4LRC Bob                                   available   Thursday May 2 –  Roatan (island) Honduras – HQ9D – see location. grid square and IOTA info on QRZ map/details page  – Tranquil Seas Resort and Dive Center –  see the Gecko cabana -Location is a second floor cabana/bedroom (top floor) facing the...

T33A Dxpedition to Banaba Island

During the month of November 2013, members of MARCO participated in a T33A Banaba Island dxpedition.  The expedition also had a had a dental volunteer component, partially funded by MARCO (click here to view the Banaba Island Volunteer Dental Clinic post).  Six stations at two sites were operating CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m through 10m. The dxpedition team was comprised of W2IJ, N1EMC, N6HC, N9NS, W6KK, N7CQQ, KD6XH, AA4FL, AD6E, DL5EBE, WA1S, WA1F, DL6KVA, N6HD, DJ5IW, K3VN, WA6FGV, PY2PT and K4ZLE. Enjoy some of the trip photos courtesy of Jay AA4FL’s album.  Banaba was very needed by hams worldwide, a hard destination to reach. It was 26th most wanted. Team on Tarawa departing for Banaba Approaching Banaba Island after 40 hours at sea View of antenna farm Jay – AA4FL Arnie – N6HC The T33A DXpedition...