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MARCO Annual BOD Meeting HamVention May 15, 2024 9pm Eastern Agenda

Zoom Link: Call to Order Introductions Minutes of 2023 Annual Meeting President’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report, IRS filing report MediShare Report Net Report, Ad hoc Committee on Grand Rounds, Digital Net, outside nets Aether Report Google Group Report Webmaster’s Report (also see old business) Membership Committee Report Old Business Update on Bank and Bank Signature Cards (more new business) Update on BOD insurance inquiry, (action item) HamVention Display Report Keith, N3IM Wild Apricot Update, Dave Lieberman, KT8E, approval to proceed with service beyond approved three-month period Website updates New Business Report from PY2BBQ abut flooding in Brazil Look into business accounts being moved to another bank.  Consider getting online bank with interest on deposits. Website Domain Renewals Approval to fund Backblaze and archives (cloud backup) Authorize credit card for secretary use ARRL Club Report, hybrid net discussion, possible QST article MARCO YouTube Videos, need to unify account (PY2BBQ and AA4FL) MediShare Equipment Donations from members, discuss potential partners Annual meeting 2025 Thank you for Jeff Wolf K6JW for long-time service on BOD Nominations from members for at-large director Nomination by BOD of President-Elect Election of directors (call district, at-large) Appointment of Officers by BOD New President’s Greeting, Barry Rabin, WB1FFI...

Book Club Meeting

Our next book club will discuss a book on Radio: Making Waves in Sound. We have six weeks to purchase, read and explore this August 2019 book (240 pages) which should stimulate interesting group discussion of members’ perspective on science involved, and their own lifetime experiences with radio. The link to the affordable kindle and hardcover edition on Amazon is Join Zoom Meeting on Tuesday July 12th, 9pm Eastern Meeting ID: 891 9289 9368 Passcode: 559150 73, Jay AA4FL MARCO Secretary From Amazon: Radio is a medium of seemingly endless contradictions. Now in its third century of existence, the technology still seems startling modern; despite frequent predictions of its demise, radio continues to evolve and flourish in the age of the internet and social media. This book explores the history of the radio, describing its technological, political and social evolution, and how it emerged from Victorian experimental laboratories to become a near-ubiquitous presence in our lives. The book is shaped by radio’s multiple characters and characteristics – radio waves occur in nature, but have been harnessed and moulded by human beings to bridge oceans and reconfigure our experience of space and time. This is an informative and thought-provoking book for all enthusiasts of an old technology that still has the capacity to enthuse, entertain, entice and enrage today. Published in association with the Science Museum,...

MARCO Annual Meeting May 20, 2022

The 2022 MARCO business meeting was held at the Wingate Hotel, 3055 Presidential Drive, Fairborn, OH 45324 on Saturday May 20 at 1300Z (9AM, EDT). Board Meeting Agenda Call to order Introductions Minutes of previous meeting President’s report, Bruce Small, KM2L Secretary’s report, Jay Garlitz, AA4FL Treasurer’s report, Chuck Link, N8CL MediShare report Collaboration with INDEXA Net report Ad hoc Committee on Grand Rounds report Aether report Proposed change in publication schedule – AA4FL Webmaster’s report, Dave Lieberman, KT8E Membership Committee report Old Business New Business Election of Officers Election of Directors Other New Business Hamvention Booth Committee? Adjourn Your browser does not support the video...

MARCO DV Net In Action — Live Streams

For members and friend who are not DV equipped our MARCO Digital Voice Net is streamed live (Saturdays 1500 UTC) on our YouTube channel located at Recordings of past nets: March 6: February 28: Video...

MARCO DV Net March 6

We have a link available for MARCO members and friends to listen to, and look at, the March 6th edition of the MARCO digital voice net as streamed with multiple windows of content on YouTube.  It was nice having Etsu JA0BXP check in from Japan. Thank you to Hilton PY2BBQ for streaming the net and recording his YouTube livestream with some added editorial touches! 73, Jay...

First Video Stream of a MARCO Net Held on Feb. 20, 2021

On Feb. 20th 2021 we had our first live video stream of a MARCO net, the MARCO digital voice net. Thank you to Hilton PY2BBQ who did the live Youtube session simulcast while Jay AA4FL ran the net on the quadnet array.  The net was recorded and available for viewing here on this page.  In addition a still image from Jay’s computer accompanies the video. We had 16 check-ins on the net and 32 views of the video stream during the 75 minute net.  Why is this important?  First, it allows MARCO members who are not DV enabled to view the net, and…participate.  How?  Viewers of the video stream (MARCO members, other hams, general public)  can use the live chat feature and submit questions to be answered by the net participants.  Please view the video and observe the nature of a DV net that is enhanced by online check-in tools and video streams. Jay AA4FL,  Hilton PY2BBQ Image from Jay’s...

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