T33A Dxpedition to Banaba Island

During the month of November 2013, members of MARCO participated in a T33A Banaba Island dxpedition.  The expedition also had a had a dental volunteer component, partially funded by MARCO (click here to view the Banaba Island Volunteer Dental Clinic post).  Six stations at two sites were operating CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m through 10m.

The dxpedition team was comprised of W2IJ, N1EMC, N6HC, N9NS, W6KK, N7CQQ, KD6XH, AA4FL, AD6E, DL5EBE, WA1S, WA1F, DL6KVA, N6HD, DJ5IW, K3VN, WA6FGV, PY2PT and K4ZLE. Enjoy some of the trip photos courtesy of Jay AA4FL’s album.

 Banaba was very needed by hams worldwide, a hard destination to reach.
It was 26th most wanted.
Team on Tarawa
Team on Tarawa departing for Banaba
Banaba approach
Approaching Banaba Island after 40 hours at sea
Antenna Farm
View of antenna farm
Jay – AA4FL
Arnie – N6HC
The T33A DXpedition Team