With sadness I share the passing of Lee Lieberman — a long time MARCO member. He passed peacefully on March 11, 2020 in Tel Aviv, Israel at the tender age of 92.5. Lee is survived by his wife, Judy and children — Dave (KT8E), Ruth (KA0SYX), Nina (KA9NWX) and Gay.
Lee was a great physician, stellar role model and above all — the quintessential ham. His love of radio began in the Navy as a radio operator (military call sign N0JRT). It was not unusual to see Lee scamper up a telephone pole to adjust his tri-band beam. Or grazing the aisles at the Dayton Hamventions.
Thanks for the precious memories, Dad. 88s Dave
Update from Gay Fried’s Facebook Page (posted March 14, 2020):
Sadly my father Lionel (“Lee”) Lieberman passed last Wednesday in Tel Aviv, Israel at the age of 93. He was surrounded by his children and wife, Judy. Lionel was a true southern gentleman and man of integrity. He was liked by all, revered and admired by his family. He was the anchor of our family and there wasn’t any problem my Dad couldn’t help us solve.
Lee was an accomplished physician and one of the earliest practitioners in the field of Nuclear Medicine (editor’s note: His team was the first to image the adrenal gland in vivo by scintillation scanning). After serving in the Navy, he earned his MD degree from the University of Virginia Medical School, a Masters in Public Health from Harvard University and a PhD in Nuclear Medicine from the University of Michigan.
Lee was Chief of Nuclear Medicine at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot, Israel (1971 – 1974), a full professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison (1975 – 1983) and then head of Nuclear Medicine at Tel Hashomer Hospital (Sheba Medical Center) in Tel Aviv (1984 – 1990). He also spent part of his career at the Food and Drug Administration.
Lionel was originally married to my mother, Mara who predeceased him in 1994 after forty one years of marriage.