The 2022 MARCO business meeting was held at the Wingate Hotel, 3055 Presidential Drive, Fairborn, OH 45324 on Saturday May 20 at 1300Z (9AM, EDT).
Board Meeting Agenda
- Call to order
- Introductions
- Minutes of previous meeting
- President’s report, Bruce Small, KM2L
- Secretary’s report, Jay Garlitz, AA4FL
- Treasurer’s report, Chuck Link, N8CL
- MediShare report
- Collaboration with INDEXA
- Net report
- Ad hoc Committee on Grand Rounds report
- Aether report
- Proposed change in publication schedule – AA4FL
- Webmaster’s report, Dave Lieberman, KT8E
- Membership Committee report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Election of Officers
- Election of Directors
- Other New Business
- Hamvention Booth Committee?
- Adjourn