MARCO lost another of its giants when Robert “Smitty” Smithwick, W6CS, passed away on March 22, 2013. Smitty was instrumental in the founding of MediShare International, MARCO’s charitable arm. He served as the first Chairman of MediShare International, forging links with several partner agencies including the Bush Hospital Foundation, International Aid and Direct Relief International. Under his leadership, the organization completed projects in Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia and Malawi.
MARCO and MediShare were but a small part of Smitty’s achievements. He was on the DX Honor Roll, hosted a team at his house for the WRTC held in San Francisco, and counted numerous famous DXers among his close friends. He was a highly successful pediatric dentist in northern California and served in California’s Department of Health under Governor Ronald Reagan. The accomplishment that made him the proudest was helping to found Foothill and DeAnza Colleges.
Smitty was 93 years old at the time of his passing.